Roses Are Red, Violets Are Blue…

Lana Del DaydreamingWe all know how the poem goes, learning it way back in grade school. Roses have always been a traditional way to say “I Love You” to someone special. Why not start out your stay with us by saying this to your special someone.

Did you know that every color of a rose stands for something and has a certain meaning attached that evokes emotion? It’s true. And as everyone knows, the color red signifies ‘love’. The colors also signify passion, people who you have a great amount of respect for, and those who have shown great courage. Not only does the color signify something, the shade of red does as well. Bright red means love, burgundy means unconscious love, and dark crimson is for mourning. Pretty interesting, huh?

Not only does a color have certain meaning, the quantity does as well. One single rose shows love. Two roses that are tied together are a symbol for an engagement. A dozen shows gratitude, 25 shows congratulations and 50 shows unconditional love!

Now that you know a bit more about the symbols of the rose as to it’s colors, shades and quantity, go ahead and place an order for roses with us while booking. We will make sure your roses are placed in your luxury room at Hidden Serenity Bed and Breakfast before your arrival! We love helping our guests express themselves and flowers are a great way to show that expression of love. Let us assist you in putting a smile on someone’s face.

Fun Wisconsin Fact: Potosi is the Catfish Capital of the state!

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