Lake Michigan Charter Fishing

Charter FishingWith the cool spring weather, Lake Michigan will have cooler water near shore for much of the summer. This means tasty Coho Salmon and trophy Rainbow Trout, Chinook Salmon and Lake Trout will be closer to shore than last summer when charters had to travel 10 miles out onto Lake Michigan to find schools of fish. Hidden Serenity Bed and Breakfast is located a short drive from Port Washington, Wisconsin and charter fishing. Among the best of the charters is the Fox Brother’s Charter Service.

Known locally in Port Washington as the Foxy Lady boats this charter business features 4 large fishing boats (up to 42 feet long) that include many of the comforts of home. Captain Dan Fox has 43 years of fishing experience on Lake Michigan and hand picks the captains for the boats he does not personally take out.

Fishing has already started at Port Washington with Coho Salmon being the featured species. Coho Salmon swim in large schools, and when a school is located limits can be filled quickly. Running from 2-10 pounds, Coho are probably the best eating fish available from the Great Lakes Sport Fishery. During summer Lake Trout are a big part of any fishing trip, but Chinook Salmon, Rainbow (Steelhead) Trout and the aforementioned Coho are also routinely targeted and caught.

Because of improved numbers of forage species, all trout and salmon have been running large, with thick slabs of meaty fillets for those who love eating salmon. Recent studies have shown that the Amino Acid DHA, which is found in trout and salmon, is one of the most essential things to eat to maintain good health. On one good charter trip you can often catch enough salmon to last for months in the freezer, to be enjoyed later.

Lake Michigan Salmon and Trout fishing is as good as it has ever been, with quality fish and a great experience available in Port Washington, only 17 miles from Hidden Serenity Bed and Breakfast. For more information about Fox Brother Charter Service visit:

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